How keeping promises to yourself makes you a total badass - Sage B. Hobbs

I stopped saying I’d run every week and drink a green smoothie daily.  Why?  Because I wasn’t truly committed to either, so I broke those promises to myself more often than not.

And I don’t like to live that way, as a promise breaker. I want to be a badass.


I don’t live that way not because I’m so awesome or great, but because it’s just not a powerful or fun way to live… with broken promises and things left undone all over the place.  

Bleh.  Mojo crushing, disempowering, and just a plain downer.

Yet, we do it all the time!  We tell ourselves we’ll do something and then we don’t.  I’ve tested this out in my own life and with countless women in my community.  

We tend to come up with a million “reasonable” reasons to let ourselves off the hook.  But, we hate the way it feels.

One amazing woman in my facebook community said, “Breaking promises with someone else feels like it would be hurtful or disrespectful to the other person.  But, it’s easy to say “next time” or “soon” to myself. Of course, by that logic I am hurting and disrespecting myself every time I do that. Which is probably why I feel sh*tty each time it happens…”


Because, here’s the thing, our personal power is directly related to this issue. And you all are total badasses, who want to make things happen and feel empowered.

Once you’ve watched, I’d love to know in the comments below,

“Where do you break promises to yourself?”
I know I’m not the only one who makes excuses sometimes!

A brief summary of the video:

  1. How often do you “let yourself off the hook?”
  2. What are you saying to yourself in those moments?
  3. What’s the cost to breaking promises to ourselves?
  4. What would it take for you to keep those promises more frequently?

Now, choose ONE thing and follow through with it.  Your personal power will sky rocket. You’ll start making things happen all over the place.  Less drama, more inspired action. It’s amazing.

As always, thank you so much for reading and watching.  It makes me beyond happy to share these musings with you.  

And if you have a friend who could use a boost to her personal power, a mojo boost, please share this with her. (You know how I feel about women owning their inner badass… yep, the world needs it.)

Yours in badass + brilliant living,



The next time you break a promise to yourself...track how it feels. Click To Tweet

p.s. Want more ways to get out of your own way and unleash your inner badass?

How do you find the time to get re-energized?

Why are we so hard on ourselves? Let me pump you up.

Perfection Paralysis: How to get your butt in gear and make things happen

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